You have to love the forms of transportation in Dublin. There are a ton of Harleys in Ireland, more then I would have thought. I have seen mostly Sporters which makes sense given the small roads. Splitting lanes is tough on a bigger ride. I brought my riding gear with me but renting a cycle in Ireland is a small fortune. Unfortunately my funds are limited and work never rests but one never knows what magic will occur. Heck I am just fortunate to have an opportunity to live in Ireland for a few months. Attached are a few more cool forms of Transports that I came across.
"Extra, Extra...read all about it...Rob didn't drop off the face of the Earth." Your postings are so far apart it’s like you were sucked into a vortex and only appear once in awhile.
Ok, now to the issue at hand…”Screw the train, car and The Duck, give me the bike any day.”
I’m seeing postings from Boston and Ireland. Tell me there’s no touch of the ‘blarney’ in you blood?
Last but not least…”You lucky SOB enjoy the Irish countryside as long as you can. Like I’ve always said; “Make memories.”
Is it the Luas? I rode that train a lot on my trips....I think you are supposed to pay, but I never did... ;) HA!