Some people call it Irish Black Pudding but it reminds me of sausage with style. Drisheen is a mixture of blood, milk, bread crumb, salt and fat which is then boiled and cooked using the animal’s intestine as the cuisines exoskeleton. The blood usually comes from cow, pig or sheep. In my humble opinion Drisheen is an Irish delight. 10 hour days at the job have limited my ability to explore but I am still getting out when I can and observing the awe of this amazing place. So for the last three weeks I have been eating at gas stations for breakfast and dinner. Food is very expensive here, so I am saving all the money that I can and putting my funds towards a motorcycle. I have found that I can have a meal at a Gas Station for about 5 Euro compared to 20-30 Euro a meal at a sit down restaurant. Gas Station food is neither all that healthy nor good but it is inexpensive. On an emotional level riding is just as important as the oxygen I breathe. So over the next few months I will be looking for a new scoot and saving as much money as I can. In the mean time, it’s a countdown till spring when we can hit the road. I have attached a few more photos from my journey here in Ireland. THINK SPRING!